Get A Smile Makeover with Porcelain Veneers

When patients come to Dentalways with healthy teeth but unhappy with the overall look of their smile, we often recommend porcelain veneers as a solution to their cosmetic dentistry needs.

Refresh Your Smile with Teeth Whitening at Dentalways

When most people think of a beautiful smile, the image that fills their head is one of a smile with bright, white teeth. Having a dull smile with yellow or stained teeth can affect your self-esteem and leave you wary of smiling at all.

How Tooth Loss Can Affect the Aging Process

Losing a tooth is a trauma. Even if the loss was pain-free, 9/10 of patients can remember distinct details about the incident.

New Year, New Mission: Dentalways Cares

The New Year is here! As we celebrate all that 2017 had to offer and all that we hope and pray 2018 will bring, we are surrounded by the concept of goals.

Fall: Football, Family and Flossing?

With the weather changing, we all know the excitement approaching – back to school for the kiddos, football games & social gatherings, holidays on the way – but does flossing your teeth fit into your seasonal equation?

TMJ – A Pain In the Neck

TMJ is a painful condition affecting millions of Americans, however many are suffering from its effects without proper diagnosis. Because “Temporomandibular Joint Disorder” is a mouthful, it is frequently shortened to TMJD or simply, TMJ.

Had it with Halitosis

We have all had it happen, a close-talker with bad breath invades our space and shares more than just a sentence with us. Or maybe you are on the opposite end of the spectrum, always self-conscious, holding your palm up as a scent shield.

Brighten Your Smile with Zoom Teeth Whitening

When we ask our patients what they would most like to change about their smiles, we get a wide range of answers. From healthier teeth & gums to everything aesthetic – the most common response is certainly, “a whiter, brighter smile.”

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