Cover up those unattractive metal fillings

When you smile, your biggest, best smile, what do you see? Do you see those old style amalgam fillings sticking out like a sore thumb, from the back of your mouth? Those dark and metallic looking fillings detract from your smile. You see those large black areas in your mouth but you’re wondering what can be done about it? What can be done to give the appearance of a healthy, natural looking smile?

The answer? If you want to replace your old-style fillings, onlays and inlays are the perfect choice. These “internal crowns,” are constructed from porcelain, they replace decayed tooth tissue while still preserving your healthy mouth tissue. Additionally, they look natural and they are durable and strong.

What's the difference between the two?

Inlays are made of long-lasting, strong and natural-looking materials, such as composite resin or porcelain.
Onlays are used for larger restorations, repairing inside the cusp and extending over one or more sides of the tooth.
Both restoration options are invisible and allow Dentalways to save much more of the healthy tooth.

Porcelain inlay explained

An inlay restoration is a custom made filling. Porcelain inlays are popular because they are similar looking to your natural tooth. A porcelain inlay is constructed in a dental laboratory and is permanently cemented into the tooth by cosmetic dentist Dr. Khullar.

Inlays are used to repair your teeth if they have a large filling or if it's been damaged by trauma or decay. Inlays are an ideal alternative to standard silver and composite fillings. Because less tooth structure is removed in the preparation of inlay, they are also more conservative than crowns. Porcelain inlays are highly durable and will last many years, giving you a long-lasting, beautiful smile.


Broken and fractured teeth
Cosmetic enhancement
Decayed teeth
Fractured fillings
Large fillings

Porcelain onlay explained

An onlay is occasionally also referred to as a partial crown. An onlay restoration is a custom made filling. Porcelain onlays are popular because they are similar looking to your natural tooth. A porcelain onlay is constructed in a dental laboratory and is permanently cemented into the tooth by cosmetic dentist Dr. Khullar.

Onlays are used to repair your teeth if they have a large filling or if it's been damaged by trauma or decay. Onlays are an ideal alternative to crowns (caps) because less tooth structure is removed in the preparation of onlays. Onlays are essentially identical to inlays with the exception that one or more of the chewing cusps have also been affected and need to be included in the restoration. Porcelain onlays are highly durable and will last many years, giving you a long-lasting, beautiful smile.


Broken or fractured teeth
Cosmetic enhancement
Decayed teeth
Fractured fillings
Large fillings
Strong, durable, virtually undetectable - a great option

Porcelain inlays and onlays are great aesthetic alternatives to composite fillings. They are strong, durable and are excellent for restoring weakened back teeth. Because they only cover a portion of your tooth, less preparation is required. And the porcelain is customized to your natural tooth shade, making them virtually undetectable. Talk to Dentalways today to find out how inlays and onlays can help restore your smile to a healthy, vibrant state.

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